Early Intervention is provided to the family to enhance the capacity of the family to support their child’s development and learning. Early Intervention services are provided in accordance with Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and are funded through a combination of federal (Part C), state (EI), local and family funds, including both private and public insurance.
Families are assigned a Case Manager within 3 days of referral for services; the Case Manager typically will accompany the family to a multidisciplinary evaluation to work with the family and the evaluation team to develop an Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP) within 45 days of referral in the family’s preferred language. The Case Manager facilitates family identification of their needs and priorities for their child and family, and assists with locating therapists to work with the family to enhance their child’s development. Envision has contractual arrangements with a variety of therapists throughout Weld County who will travel to the family home or other preferred natural environment to work with the family. Case Managers assist families to connect with other natural supports in the community, including preschool programs if eligible, throughout the time the child is receiving services and when they are ready to transition out of EI as they approach age 3.
For further information about Early Intervention services in Colorado, please refer to the Early Intervention Colorado website: http://www.eicolorado.org
We currently work with Envision and Foothills Gateway to provide Early Intervention services to the Birth to 3 year old population.
For Weld county please contact Envision at:
Website: http://www.envisionco.org
Toll Free:1 (888) 695-5883
Local:(970) 339-5360
Fax: (970) 330-2261
For Larimer county please contact Foothills Gateway at:
Website: http://www.foothillsgateway.org
Phone: 970.226.2345
Fax: 970.226.2613