Therapeutic Groups

Therapeutic groups and pairs are designed to address a client’s therapy needs while interacting with one or more peers. Goals may include building friendship skills, putting regulation skills into practice, and improving social language skills.

people holding up painted fingernails

Teen AAC Groups

Wednesdays 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM, Firestone

Wednesdays 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM, Firestone

Take your AAC use to the next level with these activity based groups! Our therapists support social communication, conversation, and friendship building skills in these weekly groups for AAC device users. Contact us for more information.

Close up of dragon figurine, dice, and cards

Dungeons and Dragons

Thursdays, 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM, Firestone/Virtual

Dragons. Quests. Danger. Friendship. Join us as we learn planning, problem-solving, and flexible thinking, and more through this classic role playing game.

Activity Groups

Our activity groups are open to all community members. These groups aim to share the expertise of our therapists with a wider audience and provide opportunities for all kids to grow and play.